Tuesday 10 July 2012

Samsung Wins U.K. Apple Over the Design �Not as Cool� Galaxy Tab

apple vs Samsung
One of Apple�s legal claims against Samsung, based on the alleged similarity between the Samsung Galaxy Tab and the iPad, was thrown away in an UK court last week. A British High Judge, Colin Biriss ruled that there is a big difference between both products, although he did noted that there are some design similarities.

What�s interesting is that the judge�s somehow expressed his appreciation for Apple�s designs. Biriss stated that the Galaxy Tab devices �do not have the same understated and extreme simplicity which is possessed by the Apple design�. The judge also said that even though the devices are not identical, they are �rather similar� in appearance from the front.

Biriss� final conclusion on the argument was that the Galaxy Tab�s design was simply �not as cool�, compared to Apple�s tablet. The judges said that the Galaxy Tab�s thinness and design of the rear side differentiated it from the iPad, enough to ensure that customers can�t confuse them.

The legal team at Samsung might be not pleased that they don�t live up to the UK judge�s expectations, however, they are delighted that they won the case, stating that:

�Should Apple continue to make excessive legal claims in other countries based on such generic designs, innovation in the industry could be harmed and consumer choice unduly limited.�

In case you have not been following the recent legal spats between Samsung and Apple, just last week, Apple obtained a preliminary injunction against Samsung, preventing further sales of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in the United States. Cupertino has also obtained a temporary ban against the Galaxy Nexus, although Google is widely expected to issue a software patch that will remove the feature that the court found infringing. Apple�s offense hasn�t been so strong in the United Kingdom, with HTC winning an important battle just last week.

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